Friday, February 25, 2011

Clinical Observation

I'm doing my observations in a first grade classroom with 21 students. There is one student that I noticed has a lot of trouble staying awake and on task. The teacher or I have to go over and remind the student what he is suppose to be doing every few minutes or he falls asleep. Also, when the teacher uses the document camera or smart board she turns the lights off and after a few minutes he falls asleep. The teacher has had me to work with him one on one at the back table and he usually gets all the questions that I ask him correct. I'm not sure if he doesn't get enough sleep at night or what causes him to be so tired. He always is one or two assignments behind the rest of the class because he can't concentrate on them to get them done on time. I have noticed that he goes to work room almost every day that I've been there, which means that he doesn't get recess. From what I have observed he has the ability to do the assignment, he just needs to stay awake and on task.

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