Jenny wasn't taken seriously as a rightfully concerned mother because it is a deeply held belief, or stereotype, of the middle class that poor urban Appalachians are unfit as parents.
I can't imagine the school not taking my concerns about my children seriously. I would go to the school board or who ever I had to in order to get my point across. I don't think it is right to ignore any parents concern for their children no matter their social class. I have never known anyone or experience a situation of this nature, but I know I would fight for my children until I was taken seriously. A mother's love for their child is something that should never be taken lightly. As a future teacher I will always listen to my students parents concerns as well as keep them informed about my concerns about their children. My daughter's teacher email me or writes me note about her progress at least once a week and I'm very thankful for how much she cares about my daughter's education and my concerns.
Donny's failure to learn anything was not noted because this was the expected pattern.
I was shocked that the school system would dismiss a child's inability to learn based on their social class. I see now why the No Child Left Behind Act was created. I feel that all students should be given equally opportunities to learn and the RTI is a wonderful program to help students succeed. Neither of my children have ever been in a low group for RTI, but I'm glad the program is there in case they ever need the extra help. As a future teacher I will want for all of my students to get the best education possible just as I do for my own children. I can't imagine anyone ever just saying it is okay for a student not to learn as a teacher you should want to help them. Our jobs as teachers is to help students learn not keep them from learning.
I appreciate your passion about this topic! I get the sense you will do more to facilitate the learning of all children in your future classroom!