Monday, May 31, 2010

Google reader

I set up my google reader with two blogs to follow from the Educblog list. I chose the first blog because it discusses use of different technology in the classroom. I wanted to read the section of the article that discussed the smart board because last semester in my clinical I had to learn to use one. My cooperating teacher used the smart board on a regular basis to teach the class and I had no idea how to use one. I would have to say even when I finished my clinical there were still things I needed to learn about the use of a smart board. I also found the 10 no nos of teaching with a projector interesting, some of them I would have never thought of especially just starting out as a teacher.
The second site I chose was a year of reading, this site talks about books and how they can be used in the classroom. It gives a brief description of the book. I plan on trying to find the book Chalk for my son because he loves dinosaur's. He can read, but he loves books that only have pictures and he tries to draw them. I found several other books on here interesting for my children and to use in a classroom. I would recommend anyone with children check this out.

Here is my google profile address .

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