Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Here is the link to my document on the web. I found the reading for this assignment to be interesting and confusing at the same time. I think this was my least favorite assignment for this class. This class has been very interesting for me, I had no idea that you could create an assignment and publish it to the web like we did for this assignment. I also didn't know how to several other assignments or that the program even existed. I feel that I will use several things I learned during this class in my classroom some day to teach my students.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Photo Story

Here is the link to my photo story. I found this assignment to be very interesting because I never knew that cyberbullying was a big issue for young students. When I read that students in the second grade suffer from cyberbulling I was amazed and scared because my son will be entering second grade this fall. I had heard of cyberbullying, but I never thought of it being done on cell phones and other devices. I think cyberbullying is a big issue and needs to be stopped. When I was growing up people just bullied you they didn't have the opportunity to hide behind their computer. I also loved making the photo story and will try to find a way to use it to teach in my classroom. I had never viewed a photo story before and would love the oppertunity to view more of them.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Google Forms

Here is the link to my form. I chose to make a math quiz for about the third grade level because I like to work with younger children and hope to teach around third grade someday. I felt math would be the easiest subject to create a quiz for using google form. I think goggle forms would definitely be a good way to mix things up and keep your students from being bored. During, my clinical I learned that students don't like to do the same thing day after day and that change is good.

Monday, June 21, 2010


This is the link to my Prezi. I like the Prezi better then a PowerPoint because all of the information appears at once and people can spend as much time as they want on any area of the screen. It is also nicer because people can zoom in on information that appeals to them. Both Prezi and PowerPoint can be used to convey the same information, but Prezi is more appealing. I think an advantage to using a PowerPoint would be that you would be able to access it on the web and wouldn't need to save it to a sand disc and carry it with you. Although, I guess if the Internet was down then you wouldn't be able to access your Prezi and that wouldn't be a good thing. I think PowerPoint and Prezi have equally good and bad qualities. I would think the ISTE NET Standard that relates to the creating of a Prezi is standard number 1- facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity because it allows you to be as creative as you want when you are putting your Prezi together. I think the ISTE NET Standard the relates to the sharing of a Prezi would be standard number 3-model digital-age work and learning because you first have to create the Prezi using the Internet and then you have to share your Prezi on the Internet. Also, when we embedded the Prezi into our blog that showed digital-age learning. I think the ISTE NET Standard that relates to the delivery of the Prezi would be standard number 5- engage in professional growth and leadership because you have to create a Prezi that looks professional and is appropriate to be on the Internet for others to look at. It would be very unprofessional to put a Prezi on the Internet that contained profanity, so you would be growing as a professional by creating something that could be placed on the Internet.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Here is the link to my jeopardy game. I found this to be very interesting because I think my students would love to review for a test by playing a jeopardy game. I also thougt a jeopardy game could be a station in my classroom for studnets who are struggling with a specific subject area. In my exosphere class last semster we played a jeopardy game as a review for the final and if college students enjoyed as much as we did I can only imagine who much elementary stduents would enjoy it. I used this website to creat the jeopardy game.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Motion Path

Here is the link to my motion path. I chose to use a deer in my motion path because today we had a fawn in our yard and my kids were so amazed by it. The spent the whole day talking about it and told everyone they saw how cute it was. I have always loved animals and use to love watching chipmunks in the yard when I was a kid so chose to also use a chipmunk. I thought it was really fun to make a motion path and my kids enjoyed watching me make it. I thought this was one of the easier assignments we had this semester and will try to find a way to use it in my classroom.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Here is the link to my label. I did my labels on a plant cell because I love science and hope to teach my students a great deal about science. A fun activity I have seen teachers do with students is to create a plant cell and I could use this powerpoint to introduce plant cells to the students.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I chose to do my ignite story on volcanoes. I chose this subject because I know a great deal of information about volcanoes and students in lower elementary don't have the oppertunity to learn a lot about science. I thought I could use this in my classroom as a fun activity and conclude with making a volcano with the studnets. From my experience in my clinicals I learned the students like to see demonstrations and I think this would be very interesting to them.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Self Assessment

I took the self assessment and learned that I needed to fix several things in my blog. I don't have alot of experience using computers so this class is a big learning experience for me. I think I'm doing pretty good considering the fact that I have never used any of these programs before.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Here is the link to my presentation. I did my PowerPoint presentation on teaching a sixth grade science lesson. My lesson covers the West Virginia CSO SC. using the periodic table, identify the symbols of elements as solids, liquids, and gases; metals or nonmetals. When I had Exosphere last semester my professor kept stating how science is not taught as a separate class in many schools and teachers have to integrate science into their classroom, so I thought it would be helpful to have a science lesson prepared. I also liked science a great deal when I was growing up and felt I knew the most information to create a science lesson. Also, many of my friends told me that for science methods I will have to create some lessons and I may be able to use this one or parts of it. I viewed my PowerPoint presentation on slide share and noticed it messed up some of the colors on my pages. I have done this assignment twice and don't understand why slide share keeps doing this, but all of the content is in the presentation.

Jing Screencast

I chose to do my screencast on how to log into your blackboard accout. When I first transfered to FSU two summers ago I had no idea how to find blackboard or what it was used for. I thought this would be useful to new students.
Here is a link to my screencast.

Jing Graphic

The link to Jing tool is here. I chose to do my graphic on how to make a power point. When I first returned to college a few semsters ago I had to do my first powerpoint and I had no idea even where to begin. I think this image could help others to get started on creating a powerpoint.

Goggle Drawing

I have never used any drawing tools before so this was my first experience using a drawing tool. I found it to be interesting and had to mess with the tools a great deal. I liked how I was able to use the picture as the background. I think this activity would fall under the ISTE NETS T standard 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. The students were allowed to use the program to create a drawing and be as creative as they wanted. This required the students to think about what they wanted the drawing to show and how they wanted they drawing to display the information. The tools allowed students to be creative in the way they displayed the information as well.

Thursday, June 3, 2010



The link to my glog is here. A glog is away for someone to express themselves and their feelings through text, images, music, and video. It also allows you to share your glog with your friends so they can see how you are feeling. You don't even have to use words to show your feelings, almost like a poster can say alot without any words.
You could use a glog in your classroom to have the students introduce themselves to the class and then to express their feelings when they feel like. You could also use a glog as a form of a journal in your classroom.
I feel this activity would fall under the ISTE NETS T standard 1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. This activity uses technology to allow students to express themselves in a creative way.
The only problem I could see with using a glog in the classroom is that students can put whatever they want on the glog and certain things would be inappropriate for a classroom or even against school policies. If a teacher was to use this program they would have to have a way to limit what the students put on their glogs.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Self Portrait

I used the website picasohead to create my self portrait.When I created this image I had problems because I couldn't find an images that looked like my features so I had to chose the one that I felt looked most like them. I used some color because I felt it gave the image a touch of my personality. I think if people are suppose to make an image that looks a lot like them there needs to be more options of features to chose from. I'm not sure if I did this correctly, but if you click on the first link it will take you to my self portrait.

Lerning Styles Inventory

After taking the learning styles test VARK, I thought my results described me because I learn differently depending on the situation. There are some things that I need to see a demonstration for and others I just need to read the directions for. I think it is interesting to take the test, so I had my husband take it as well. I was surprised because his results were different then mine. He had a much higher score in the visual category, which proves eveyone learns differently. My results were:

Snipping Tool

I chose to snip the section on google reader that allows you to add a web site to your reader account. I thought this would allow me to add web sites to my reader account more easily and remind me how to add them. I found the snipping tool to very interesting and I know I will continue to use it. I have already shown my sister and my best friend how to use it.

Voice Thread

I found this activity to be very interesting because I've never seen a voice thread before. I don't own a webcam yet, but I'm going to buy one today. I usually talk to all my relatives and friends on facebook, but the webcam and voice thread will give me the opportunity to see them as well. I really enjoyed hearing the people talk about the picture of the mother and her five children. The photo reminds me of one taken of my grandmother and her children.
I think the activity would fall under ISTE NETST T 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments. First, we watched a video about how to use a voice thread and then Dr. Pierce created one for us to comment on. This showed that he knew how to use and create a voice thread and then allowing us to comment on it gave us the opportunity to be creative in our responses as well.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Google reader

I set up my google reader with two blogs to follow from the Educblog list. I chose the first blog because it discusses use of different technology in the classroom. I wanted to read the section of the article that discussed the smart board because last semester in my clinical I had to learn to use one. My cooperating teacher used the smart board on a regular basis to teach the class and I had no idea how to use one. I would have to say even when I finished my clinical there were still things I needed to learn about the use of a smart board. I also found the 10 no nos of teaching with a projector interesting, some of them I would have never thought of especially just starting out as a teacher.
The second site I chose was a year of reading, this site talks about books and how they can be used in the classroom. It gives a brief description of the book. I plan on trying to find the book Chalk for my son because he loves dinosaur's. He can read, but he loves books that only have pictures and he tries to draw them. I found several other books on here interesting for my children and to use in a classroom. I would recommend anyone with children check this out.

Here is my google profile address .

Resume Document

Here is the web address to my resume. I already had to create a resume a few semesters ago for another class so I just updated somethings and put into a google document. I know that my resume is going to be very important after I graduate and I want it to look as good as possible. When I was in school they didn't stress the importance of making a resume or even how to make one so when I made this one it was the first time I had made one. I will keep updating it as I go so it should have all the information needed when I graduate.

Speakeasy Speed Test

Broadband Speed I never did anything like this before. I told my husband it's because we have no time for looking at things on the computer or we just don't know what we are doing. Here are the results from my speed test.

Upload Speed: 372 kbps (46.5 KB/sec transfer rate)

Download Speed: 1622 kbps (202.8 KB/sec transfer rate)

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Personality Test Results

Personality Test Results

After taking the personality test the results came back that I was a Guardian (SJ). This is the same personality that I guessed I would fit under. As a teacher I know that my classroom will be neat and organized, but I also have to consider the fact that not all of my students will be as neat as I would like for them to be. I know as a person that everyone is different and has different feelings about subjects, but as a rule I always tell my kids as long as you try your best you can't go wrong. I will try to teach my students to be organized and to take pride in their work. I tell my children that you can't take pride in your work if you know you didn't try your best to complete it. As a teacher I will also teach my students that everyone isn't the same and everyone has different opinions about subjects.

Personality Test

Personality Test

After reading the information on the four different personalities, I decided that I would fit under the personality of a guardian. The personality guardian was divided into four more categories and under that I felt that I would have the personality of an inspector. Guardians are hard working, dependable, like things to be organized, feel good when they have finished a project, and usually make decisions with great consideration and not spontaneously. My children and husband laugh at me because I can't go to bed until everything in the house is in its rightful place. I have to know what I'm doing everyday before I do it and don't like to spontaneously go on trips. I strive to do the best I can in all of my classes and even if I have an "A" I will still do any extra credit available. I take everything I do seriously and try to make the best decision possible for everyone involved. I never make any decisions without thinking things through first. I think if you know a little about the four types of personalities it will make it easier for you to get along with others especially when you have a disagreement with someone. You will have an easier time rationalizing with others if you can understand where they are coming from.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Browser Wars

Until I read this article I didn't know what a web browser was. I thought a web browser was like yahoo and google and not Internet explorer. I mainly use Internet explorer, but I have know people who have used Netscape.

1. Web browsers are software applications that allow people to retrieve, present, and traverse information on the world wide web.

2. The top four web browsers today are fire fox, Internet explorer 8, Chrome, and Internet explorer 7.

3. Browser wars are competitions for dominance in usage in the web browser marketplace. The companies were driven by consumers to come up with web browsers that contain new features, which causes many browser to be released with bugs. If you were the number 1 browser then that meant that most people used your browser to explore the world wide web, so therefore you have the top selling browser. Your company would have the funds to create a better browser and keep your company on top in the years to come.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Today, is the first day of class and so far I can see there is a lot I need to learn about computers. I never have been that good with computers, but I'm getting a little better with each class that I take. I have heard people talking about blogs, but I never knew what they were or even how to create one. This will be a learning experience for me and I feel I will use the information I learn a great deal later on. Usually if I don't get something right on the computer by the second time I will, so I hope in this class I will get it right the first time.