Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Here is the link to my document on the web. I found the reading for this assignment to be interesting and confusing at the same time. I think this was my least favorite assignment for this class. This class has been very interesting for me, I had no idea that you could create an assignment and publish it to the web like we did for this assignment. I also didn't know how to several other assignments or that the program even existed. I feel that I will use several things I learned during this class in my classroom some day to teach my students.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Photo Story

Here is the link to my photo story. I found this assignment to be very interesting because I never knew that cyberbullying was a big issue for young students. When I read that students in the second grade suffer from cyberbulling I was amazed and scared because my son will be entering second grade this fall. I had heard of cyberbullying, but I never thought of it being done on cell phones and other devices. I think cyberbullying is a big issue and needs to be stopped. When I was growing up people just bullied you they didn't have the opportunity to hide behind their computer. I also loved making the photo story and will try to find a way to use it to teach in my classroom. I had never viewed a photo story before and would love the oppertunity to view more of them.